Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Oregon GOP Purity: A Rebuttal Update

After my story from last week, we have some updates:


1 - With the "resignation" of Kevin Cameron as House Leader and the election of Mike McLane as Deputy Leader, what is next?  Will there be more?  Will anyone address publicly why it took 2-3 months to "investigate" a situation?  Will House leadership still be "leadership"?  There are many unanswered questions and the "cloud" hanging over the House GOP head is still there, even if some can't see it.  "Going nuclear" by a state representative is still a possibility.  No one believed me when I said before that "there is more to come".  So, I'll say it again: "there's more to come".

2 - After hearing charges of John Davis (or his "team" which wasn't a "team" until he won the election) sending/calling PCP's with "smears" of Lindsay Berschauer, I thought it interesting that I received an email from a PCP in HD26 today.  Remember, John Davis announced his campaign on June 25.  This email is dated June 26:

 Now I don't believe that Lindsay herself had anything to do with sending this email out.  It was done on her behalf.  The garbage in this email is what I would clearly call "smear" tactics.  There is NOTHING that is true nor can be confirmed here.  There are some who are accusing (as the story above implies) me, the Lucas's and "others" of using "smear" tactics with the PCP's in HD 26.  Now with this email the question is: who's "smearing" whom? With the OVERWHELMING victory by John Davis in HD 26, it was clear that the PCP's and the electorate of the district are/were ready for a new direction and John Davis is that direction.  

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