Thursday, January 10, 2008

Martyred for Christ

Thank you to JB for lending me her copy of John Fox's Book of Martyrs. I just finished it last night and you would think that a history graduate, and avowed history freak would have read this book before! Nope, somehow I missed it all of these years.

I was struck most by how EVERY single one of the persons written about, who were persecuted and or murdered in most heinous ways, never ever complained or begged for mercy but instead in EVERY case they sang hymns, prayed and even gave mini sermons forgiving their tormenters even as they burned to death in the most slow and painful ways imaginable.

I kept crying and asking God, "could I do that for you?" More Christians are martyred today than at any time in history. I strongly advise that all Christians go to the websites of Voice of the Martyrs and Alpha Relief as just two organizations who are helping the persecuted Church in the World.

The man above is William Tyndale (yes THAT Tyndale). Without him, we probably wouldn't have a Bible to read today.

The Catholic Church labeled him a "heretic" because he wanted the common man to be able to read the Holy Scriptures for themselves. That could not be tolerated by the "Church" as that would endanger the power of the Pope and his minions.

Please pray for those who are at this very moment while you are reading this post, being beaten, imprisoned, and even murdered because they name the name of Christ!!


Tammy Bowers said...

I like this entry, Bill. A nice deviation from politics. I had expected a post regarding the New Hampshire primaries last Tuesday, and was pleasantly surprised to receive a history lesson. I too love history. As a long time Christian, I'm embarrassed to say I didn't know Tyndale was martyred. Thanks for the lesson!

Anonymous said...

I also am glad for the break from politics!!! I am reading "In the Presence of My Enemies" by Gracia Burnham about her and her husband Martin's year long ordeal being hostages in the Philippine jungle. Halle just got done reading a book called "Hearts of Fire" about eight women in the underground church written and put together by the Voice of the Martyrs. She was extremely impacted by this book and is doing a report for school about it. I will be reading it next after my book.

Anonymous said...

thanks library is your library. jb

Bill's Waste of Air said...

wow, I am so thrilled that the REAL LIVE J.B. came to my blog!!!

I am truly blessed.

I am starting on the other two you gave me too.

Is it ok that the book of martyrs has some Beamer hair and a few bent corners? Sorry.

Anonymous said...

As opposed to praying for those who have been beaten, tortured and murdered for not accepting Christ?