Saturday, September 12, 2009

SEIU Union Thug Livin' Large On Union Wages?

Down in Humboldt County, California, a group of folks gathering for a Democrat's town hall meeting, were joined by this fellow:

Now you might say, "so what, what does this have to do with Oregon? Well, here is the story from a blogger in the area:

First this car rolled in as we were standing in line.....from Oregon.
Either it's an official Mike Thompson peace-mobile or it's a Mercedes that drove all the way from Portland.

Then this caricature-on-legs slithered out of it. Seriously you could smell the sleazy boss hog cologne and cigar smoke from twenty feet away. Can you say union thug-o-crat?
Sometimes you just can't believe your eyes...or make this stuff up. I had to cough to keep from just laughing out loud....
That Mike Thompson...he sure knows some classy people.

"Hey doll, wanna go for a ride in my 'benz?"

Then he began to "work" the crowd...but he was very specific in who he talked to and he went directly to them, right out of his car. Can you tell how he knew who to talk to yet?

I'll give you a hint...look for the purple......

Yes, the idiots were color coded for this little gathering. Guess who Thompson called on in the meeting?
BTW....there will be an award for anyone who can identify Mr. Big and the union he represents....oh, come on we all know which one loves purple and morons....

So, what is an SEIU mobster doing in California, obviously being FROM Oregon? I will have to keep looking into this story!


psychobob said...

No no Bill, it's the conservatives who are organized by big money special interest groups.

Remember, one of the rules for radicals is accuse your opponents of exactly what you are doing yourself.

Go get 'em Bill!

The Blunt Matt said...

Frightening accusations from someone who has no idea who this person is. Why didn't this blogger just go ask the guy instead of calling him a mobster and a thug? Either way, it's an excellent story Bill and I can see why you are a big hit in Salem...

The Blunt Matt said...

And for your protection, you might want to double-check the legalities of posting this guy's license plate on the internet and the potential libel and defamation of character issues that may result from this post...