Yes, we are a PROGESSIVE state we are!
Oregon, the home of self service gas, legislature that only meets every two years, high income taxes (second only to New York City), the leader in assisted suicides and of course one of the leaders in the abortion industry, now is in the business of growing WEED!
At the last minute as the Legislature was "getting outta Dodge" they passed a bill that would allow the production, commerce and possession of "hemp" products and add industrial hemp to crops grown by farmers.
YES I know this isn't Pot, but it's close enough for me.
It just shows what a wacky place we have become. I don't give a rat's turd what GREAT THINGS CAN BE MADE FROM HEMP blah blah blah. All I see are scads of potheads rejoicing in Eugene!
I love my state. Not.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Oregon: Home of Abortion, Assisted Suicide and now Hemp!
Posted by
Bill's Waste of Air
11:06 AM
Labels: Hemp, marijuana, Oregon, Oregon Legislature, potheads, weed
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Cell Phone While Driving BANNED IN OREGON
I very capably drive while talking on the phone as illustrated above.
Notice the "hands free" device I use.
Posted by
Bill's Waste of Air
9:27 AM
Labels: cell phones, driving, HB 2377, Oregon Legislature
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Obama Car Line is here!!
what we will be forced to drive quite soon.
But look at all of the 'great new choices'
we will have from 'The SMART Car'....
The Smorvette!
The Smaudi A3 AWD!
The Smamborghini!
The Smerrari!
And last, but not least,
The Smustang,
Thank you President Obama!!
Posted by
Bill's Waste of Air
8:27 AM
Labels: President Barack Hussein Obama, Smart Cars
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Shocking numbers on Obama’s plunging popularity have just been released by Rasmussen Polls. On June 21, 2009, Obama dropped into negative territory for the first time ever, with 32% of Americans expressing strong approval and 34% expressing strong disapproval, according to the official Rasmussen ‘Obama Approval Index’ (strong approvals minus strong disapprovals). He picked up one point on June 22 but still polled negative.
This is particularly significant since Obama has plummeted from positive 30% to negative 2%. On January 22, 2009, two days after Obama was sworn in, the ‘Obama Approval Index’ approval rate was a whopping 30%.
According to Rasmussen, Obama’s general approval (not strongly for or against) have also dipped, with 53% of voters saying they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance so far, compared to 46% generally disapproving. So, although the most impassioned people polled give Obama a negative 2 %, he still, at least for now, is in positive general approval territory, however, if that trend has been dropping and if another 4% crossed over, he’d also be negative overall approval.
Available to be your Talk Show interview guest on this topic are David Armstrong, President and CEO of Armstrong International, a century old family-owned privately held US company, and Robert Chapman, editor of The International Forecaster newsletter, offers clear reasons for the significant drop in popularity. According to Armstrong, the public listens to promises and monitors how they perceive those promises being delivered, after giving a reasonable ‘honeymoon’ period wherein they give the benefit of the doubt.
During your interview with David Armstrong he discusses that with an unprecedented number of Obama’s cabinet choices being surrounded by impossible-to-ignore ethics challenges, seemingly endless government bailouts and an ‘Obama fatigue fact or’ beginning to set in. And no end in sight to Obama’s socializing of America—being financed by taxpayer’s wallets-- it has passed fatigue and entered into the realm of Obama burnout.
Bob Chapman shares several reasons for Obama’s popularity plunge with your listeners. Stated Bob, “Obama called for change and generally speaking there have been few changes. Foreign policy, except for his stance on the Middle East, has been a replica of the previous two administrations. He certainly has the distain of Jewish voters who are pro-Zionist. He has proceeded to bail out banks, Wall Street, insurance companies and selected other companies such as Chrysler and GM. The bankruptcies settlements smacked of cronyism. The public didn’t expect socialism and welfare for corporate America. They also did not expect the fallout of free trade and globalization to continue to cause joblessness at a continued furious pace. Then we have a program for health socialism that few like and which faces are very tough fight. It is probably already dead on arrival.”
Obama’s second to the lowest numbers came right after he spouted off in Cairo, Egypt his vows to defend and protect the ‘good’ name of Islam and Muslim Despots with nations devoid of basic human rights, while seemingly poking his thumb in the eye of American citizens. The general public had to collectively ask themselves if Obama was President of the United States or some self-styled King of the World.
Then after the US citizenry tried hard to give Obama the benefit of the doubt overseas, despite his bizarre un-American comments, he they went off and fired his Investigator General. Chapman stated, “We also have the illegal dismissal of Investigator General Gerald Walpin, who uncovered a $75 million scam under the AmeriCorps program at City University of New York, which was followed by exposure of Obama’s friend Sacramento Mayor K evin Johnson, who stole almost $1 million. A terrible disgrace, which the media has refused to expose.”
And as if that was not enough, Chapman cites, “Mr. Obama’s new policy to make the privately owned Federal Reserve a financial regulator, when they were directly responsible for our credit crisis” as another reason many people can no longer buy into the ObamaChangeMachine.
But isn’t Obama’s health plan a ‘populist one? Surely, no one can be against ‘free’ healthcare, right? Not if it’s really a Euthanasia bill in disguise, opines Chapman, saying, “Obama allows ABC exclusive rights to film, what really is an infomercial on his healthcare plan, which we call the euthanasia bill, without any other coverage. These are the reasons months ago we (International Forecaster newsletter) predicted that by October he would have a 40% approval rating and he is fast on the way there.”
Bob Chapman’s latest O bama prediction? Chapman says, “Citizens now believe the president will raise taxes and try to implement a Value Added Tax, a VAT,” and concluding, “People do not want a voluntary civilian defense force or a selective service draft. Most people believe the stimulus package is a joke, an expensive one.
David Armstrong discusses how when virtually all of the promises of ‘change’ Obama made turned out to be changes toward big centralized, socialist government. He adds that when people are more than just a little bit let down when the see him flip-flopping on so many campaign promises, such as his solemn vow to post important bills on the Internet prior to voting on them—such as the trillion dollar taxpayer-funded bailout of rich bankers--even moderate and some liberal voters are left scratching their heads in puzzlement and/or disenchantment.
David Armstrong, author of the new book, Hanging By A Thread: The Erosion of the Golden Rule in America, has but a single company policy at Armstrong International: The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
David’s suggestion to Obama? “Speak only the truth and practice the Golden Rule: Do unto taxpayers as you would have taxpayers do unto you.”
Yet amidst Obama’s current popularity ‘freefall,’ many in the mainstream news media continue to be Obama groupies by singing the praises of his alleged ‘popularity.’ At what point do his numbers have to fall before the major news organizations have to admit that Obama is no longer popular? One can only imagine how low his numbers might be if there wasn’t the 24/7 media reporting dribble about ‘The great one.’
The following is the Rasmussen Poll:
Date Presidential Approval Index Strongly Approve Strongly Disapprove Total Approve Total Disapprove
06/21/2009 -2 32% 34% 53% 46%
06/20/2009 1 34% 33% 54% 46%
06/19/2009 1 34% 33% 54% 45%
06/18/2009 2 35% 33% 55% 45%
06/17/2009 5 37% 32% 56% 43%
06/16/2009 4 36% 32% 56% 43%
06/15/2009 3 35% 32% 55% 44%
06/14/2009 2 34% 32% 54% 45%
06/13/2009 3 35% 32% 54% 46%
06/12/2009 4 36% 32% 54% 45%
06/11/2009 7 37% 30% 56% 43%
06/10/2009 9 38% 29% 57% 42%
06/09/2009 8 36% 28% 58% 41%
06/08/2009 7 36% 29% 56% 43%
06/07/2009 3 35% 32% 53% 46%
06/06/2009 1 34% 33% 53% 47%
06/05/2009 0 34% 34% 54% 46%
06/04/2009 2 33% 31% 55% 45%
06/03/2009 3 34% 31% 55% 44%
06/02/2009 5 33% 28% 58% 41%
06/01/2009 7 35% 28% 58% 41%
05/31/2009 10 36% 26% 58% 41%
05/30/2009 9 37% 28% 58% 41%
05/29/2009 10 37% 27% 59% 40%
05/28/2009 6 35% 29% 56% 43%
05/27/2009 5 34% 29% 56% 43%
05/26/2009 1 31% 30% 55% 44%
0 5/25/2009 3 33% 30% 56% 43%
05/24/2009 5 34% 29% 57% 42%
05/23/2009 6 36% 30% 57% 41%
05/22/2009 6 35% 29% 57% 41%
05/21/2009 7 36% 29% 56% 42%
05/20/2009 7 36% 29% 58% 41%
05/19/2009 8 36% 28% 58% 41%
05/18/2009 5 35% 30% 57% 42%
05/17/2009 4 34% 30% 56% 43%
05/16/2009 4 34% 30% 55% 44%
05/15/2009 7 36% 29% 57% 43%
05/14/2009 8 37% 29% 57% 42%
05/13/2009 7 36% 29% 57% 42%
05/12/2009 5 35% 30% 56% 43%
05/11/2009 No Polling--Mother's Day
05/10/2009 7 34% 27% 58% 41%
05/09/2009 7 34% 27% 58% 41%
05/08/2009 9 36% 27% 58% 41%
05/07/2009 8 38% 30% 57% 43%
05/06/2009 7 37% 30% 57% 43%
05/05/2009 6 36% 30% 56% 43%
05/04/2009 5 35% 30% 57% 43%
05/03/2009 3 35% 32% 56% 43%
05/02/2009 1 33% 32% 54% 45%
05/01/2009 2 34% 32% 54% 45%
04/30/2009 2 34% 32% 54% 45%
04/29/2009 4 35% 31% 55% 43%
04/28/2009 5 36% 31% 56% 43%
04/27/2009 5 35% 30% 55% 44%
04/26/2009 3 35% 32% 54% 45%
04/25/2009 5 36% 31% 56% 43%
04/24/2009 5 36% 31% 55% 44%
04/23/2009 6 37% 31% 55% 44%
04/22/2009 2 34% 32% 54% 46%
04/21/2009 2 34% 32% 54% 45%
04/20/2009 3 33% 30% 55% 45%
04/19/2009 6 35% 29% 55% 44%
04/18/2009 7 36% 29% 55% 44%
04/17/2009 3 35% 32% 55% 43%
04/16/2009 4 36% 32% 55% 43%
04/15/2009 2 35% 33% 55% 44%
04/14/2009 3 35% 32% 55% 44%
04/13/2009 2 34% 32% 55% 44%
04/12/2009 2 34% 32% 55% 44%
04/11/2009 5 34% 29% 55% 43%
04/10/2009 5 34% 29% 55% 44%
04/09/2009 5 34% 29% 55% 44%
04/08/2009 6 35% 29% 57% 42%
04/07/2009 8 37% 29% 58% 41%
04/06/2009 8 36% 28% 58% 41%
04/05/2009 6 36% 30% 56% 43%
04/04/2009 3 34% 31% 56% 43%
04/03/2009 3 35% 32% 56% 44%
04/02/2009 5 35% 30% 56% 44%
04/01/2009 8 37% 29% 57% 41%
03/31/2009 11 38% 27% 59% 39%
03/30/2009 8 38% 30% 58% 40%
03/29/2009 7 37% 30% 58% 41%
03/28/2009 4 35% 31% 56% 43%
03/27/2009 5 35% 30% 56% 43%
03/26/2009 5 35% 30% 56% 43%
03/25/2009 5 36% 31% 56% 43%
03/24/2009 4 36% 32% 56% 43%
03/23/2009 5 36% 31% 56% 42%
03/22/2009 4 35% 31% 56% 43%
03/21/2009 4 36% 32% 55% 44%
03/20/2009 4 35% 31% 55% 43%
03/19/2009 7 37% 30% 56% 43%
03/18/2009 7 37% 30% 57% 42%
03/17/2009 5 37% 32% 56% 43%
03/16/2009 4 36% 32% 56% 43%
03/15/2009 6 37% 31% 56% 43%
03/14/2009 8 37% 29% 57% 41%
03/13/2009 9 38% 29% 57% 42%
03/12/2009 9 37% 28% 58% 41%
03/11/2009 6 37% 31% 56% 43%
03/1 0/2009 6 38% 32% 56% 43%
03/09/2009 6 38% 32% 56% 43%
03/08/2009 8 39% 31% 56% 43%
03/07/2009 8 39% 31% 56% 43%
03/06/2009 15 42% 27% 58% 40%
03/05/2009 14 41% 27% 59% 40%
03/04/2009 16 42% 26% 60% 38%
03/03/2009 13 40% 27% 60% 39%
03/02/2009 10 39% 29% 58% 41%
03/01/2009 8 38% 30% 58% 40%
02/28/2009 10 39% 29% 59% 39%
02/27/2009 15 41% 26% 60% 40%
02/26/2009 16 41% 25% 60% 40%
02/25/2009 14 39% 25% 59% 40%
02/24/2009 14 39% 25% 60% 39%
02/23/2009 11 38% 27% 58% 40%
02/22/2009 11 38% 27% 58% 41%
02/21/2009 10 38% 28% 57% 41%
02/20/2009 12 38% 26% 59% 40%
02/19/2009 13 38% 25% 60% 39%
02/18/2009 14 38% 24% 61% 38%
02/17/2009 15 38% 23% 61% 37%
02/16/2009 10 36% 26% 60% 39%
02/15/2009 11 37% 26% 60% 39%
02/14/2009 13 39% 26% 60% 39%
02/13/2009 17 41% 24% 60% 38%
02/12/2009 19 43% 24% 61% 37%
02/11/2009 19 42% 23% 60% 38%
02/10/2009 15 39% 24% 60% 38%
02/09/2009 14 38% 24% 60% 38%
02/08/2009 11 36% 25% 59% 39%
02/07/2009 14 37% 23% 60% 38%
02/06/2009 17 38% 21% 61% 36%
02/05/2009 19 39% 20% 62% 36%
02/04/2009 18 39% 21% 62% 36%
02/03/2009 15 37% 22% 61% 36%
02/02/2009 17 41% 24% 60% 38%
02/01/2009 21 44% 23% 63% 34%
01/31/2009 23 45% 22% 63% 34%
01/30/2009 21 43% 22% 63% 36%
01/29/2009 22 42% 20% 62% 36%
01/28/2009 22 42% 20% 62% 36%
01/27/2009 23 42% 19% 62% 36%
01/26/2009 21 41% 20% 60% 37%
01/25/2009 22 42% 20% 60% 36%
01/24/2009 26 44% 18% 61% 33%
01/23/2009 29 45% 16% 62% 29%
01/22/2009 30 44% 14% 64% 29%
Posted by
Bill's Waste of Air
10:20 AM
Oregon Legislature Cares More about Money than Kids!
LEGISLATURE MISSES SALEM— “The Democrats’ K-12 budget is built on a house of cards that will fall once Oregonians have the chance to vote on their massive tax increases,” said House Republican Leader Bruce Hanna (R-Roseburg). “Earlier this session, Republicans presented a $6.245 billion K-12 budget that puts kids first and directs more dollars to the classroom. Unfortunately, Democrats rejected our budget plan, refused to utilize identified savings, and opted to pass a budget that will put our schools further at risk.” The Democrats’ K-12 budget is $245 million short of the Republican proposal- roughly the same amount of state employee pay raises that Democrats have chosen to protect in their overall 2009-11 spending plan. “The 2009-11 budget demonstrates that Democrats are putting state government ahead of Oregon schools,” said Rep. Ron Maurer (R-Grants Pass). “The Legislature could have redirected hundreds of millions in savings by suspending pay raises and requiring a modest contribution for taxpayer-funded health care contributions. The 2009-11 budget fails to prioritize spending by directing more dollars to nonessential services.” So far this session, Democrats have increased new government spending by over 10 percent. As school districts cut their budgets and lay off teachers, state agencies are receiving millions in new revenue. Republicans say it’s wrong to force painful cuts to the state’s most important services as the Legislature increases spending elsewhere in the budget. “While refusing to suspend pay raises, require benefits contributions, or tap into billions in agency ending fund balances, Democrats are preparing deep cuts to
Posted by
Bill's Waste of Air
10:14 AM
Labels: Gov. Ted Kulongoski, Oregon Democrats, Oregon Legislature, Oregon Republicans
Monday, June 15, 2009
A Little Health Care Humor Courtesy of President OHbama
Posted by
Bill's Waste of Air
10:15 PM
Liberal Eugene Register Guard Wants Your Personal Information!
Today on our show we spoke with Rep. Kim Thatcher (R) Keizer, about House Bill 2727 which would allow only county sheriffs to reveal the personal information of those with concealed weapons permits. She has fought very hard for gun owner's rights and now the Eugene Register Guard has challenged the bill before it has even gotten out of the Legislature.
This past week, reporter, Jack Moran, requested ALL permit holder's private records for a story he would run.
The Lane County Sheriff: Russel Burger said "NO".
Here is a copy of his letter to the reporter:
Dear Mr. Moran: I am in receipt of your email requesting public records, specifically a list of all concealed handgun license holders in Lane County. We have the records you are requesting.
PLEASE contact your State senators and demand that they follow the Oregon House in protecting us from these fishing expeditions and intrusions which, while doing nothing to prevent crime, punish those who seek to comply with the law.
Posted by
Bill's Waste of Air
8:30 PM
Labels: Eugene Register-Guard, HR 2727, Lane County, Oregon Legislature, Rep. Kim Thatcher, Sheriff Russel E. Burger
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The Democrats in Oregon Are Drunk With Power!!
With their 60% margin of leadership in both the House and Senate, the Democrats are following their leader, Governor Ted, and doing WHATEVER he wants! Wow, no wonder John Kitzhaber wants to run again!
Here is an example of the sheer arrogance of the Democrats in Oregon:
Today the Senate heard testimony for and against closing the School for the Blind.
48 people testified against the closing, 4 testified for the closing.
The vote went along party lines (2 exceptions, one Republican, Jackie Winters vote for and one Democrat, Vickie Walker, voted against) and now the bill is on the Gov's desk for signing and a 146 year old institution is about to be closed?
Wonder why?
Susan Castillo, our Democratic Schools Superintendent, had a plan all along. She let the place go to pieces and fall apart in disrepair despite repeated pleas for help.
The property is worth approximately $9.4 million.
Well ain't that special!
Here is a perfect example of how Democrats who are DRUNK with power work. It doesn't matter that 48 people testified against, nor that the vast majority of Oregonians, especially the Blind, are against it, they pass it anyway.
Let the people speak! C'mon Dave Hunt and Peter Courtney, what are you afraid of?
Posted by
Bill's Waste of Air
9:43 PM
Labels: Dave Hunt, Democrats, Oregon Legislature, Oregon School for the Blind, Oregonians, Peter Courtney
Monday, June 8, 2009
Oregon Democrats Cram More Taxes Down Our Throats
Would someone PLEASE tell me why the State of Oregon, or the Feds for that matter, feel the need to provide health insurance for EVERYONE?
Now I am not lacking in compassion. I give to many organizations for the poor and I heavily support missions which also help the poor both in Oregon and in other countries.
What I am frustrated about is this: for the first 10-12 years of my adult life I had no insurance. I worked in radio which pays NOTHING. Benefits? Ha!
So, when I had to go to the doctor or dentist I had to work out payments with them, just like any other bill I had. Utilities, rent, credit card, whatever, it was just another bill to pay and I made very little money so I really had to be careful and budget carefully. I cut things out of my life that I couldn't afford until the bill was paid off.
Now, I am most fortunate and God has blessed me with a spouse who has employer paid insurance so I don't have to worry anymore, but, I do know what it is to go without.
Why can't the government just leave us alone? If folks can't afford insurance, they just have to learn, as I did, how to budget and work within their means.
It was NEVER the founding father's intentions to be the "provider" of all things to the people. NEVER!!
The Democrats in the House today passed a $382 million dollar tax on small businesses to pay for health insurance. Where do you think those small businesses are going to cut first to afford this tax? A)Cut employees? B)Cut benefits C)Cut and run to another state? Probably all three.
If you really care, you need to call, email and write our representatives and senators in the Oregon legislature RIGHT NOW and have ALL tax proposals put on a ballot for the PEOPLE to decide!
Posted by
Bill's Waste of Air
9:58 PM
Labels: Democrats, health insurance, Oregon Legislature, Taxes